Fiction Writing


When Pearl Swanson assumes the role of mayor of ANNA, she steps into a new set of challenges. While the town is ready for change and welcomes new residents, all are not accepting of the transition.

Determined to keep ANNA under the old rule, a plot develops to disrupt the town’s progress and restore it to its previous regime.

The compelling story of ANNA exhibits the power of influence by day and deception by night. Those who know how to play the game will triumph, but at what cost? Who will succeed? Who will fail? Will ANNA be the same when it’s all over?

Debra Funderburk is an author, publisher, and an author’s business coach. For over a decade, she has spearheaded a local writer’s group. With an extensive background in sales, accounting, and business development, those skills allow her to think outside the box and create a platform for an author’s success. The key, she believes, is knowing your audience and understanding how to connect to it. She has received many awards through the years for her leadership ability.

Debra’s literary portfolio consists of a children’s book, a co-authored nonfiction book, a how-to book, and her recently released debut novel, Pearl, which can be found wherever books are sold.

She has been featured on various radio broadcasts, appeared on Bounce TV, and featured in Gaston Lifestyles magazine. Learn more about Debra at