Fiction Writing
Deceived: The Final Reckoning

Deceived: The Final Reckoning

The beautiful Trinity Islands lay just off the northeast coast of Africa. They are inhabited by descendants of the original twelve Hebrew tribes. The inhabitants left the mainland to live according to the initial laws of God. Jubilee is the main island that houses the flow of government; without laws, there can be no government. However, Natas (antagonist) lives according to his own laws. Lurking on the precipice of the beautiful Islands an evil foe waits patiently to pounce on the people therein and snatch government control from the High Priest.

Filled with pride and armed with the weapons of deceit, he plans an attack on Jubilee but is met with the forces from the very Arm of God. A mighty spiritual and physical battle ensues and it appears that evil might prevail but… God Always wins. Always!

Deceived-The Final Reckoning is a powerful book about the struggles we face in character development. Good against evil, darkness against light- same story with a new invigorating and exciting backdrop. The story is replete with beautiful images, laughter, love, and marriage strewn together with the ever-present faithfulness of God.

Deceived: The Final Reckoning a stern reminder of the “Call” for obedience to the Maker of the Universe” and the consequences when we fail to do so.

Janet Perkins is an author, CEO of a Non-profit, wife, mother of five, grandmother of six, entrepreneur and inspirational leader. Her passion has always been writing to encourage others “To Look up from whence cometh their help.”  She is an avid reader and known as a “professional student.”

Her first published book – Through the Fire and the Flood: Marriage in the Midst of the Storm has been widely received as a profile that encourages married couples to wade through “the challenges” and cling to each other. She has a purple passion for helping others and lends her many talents to those in need of assistance.

Janet writes only when given a “message” from The Master and is thrilled to be used as an instrument to encourage others in their spiritual walk. She has learned what it means to write under the unction of the Holy Spirit and prays to continue to be used to the glory of God.

She lives in Matthews, NC with her husband C.W. and new puppy Java.